Decided to use some of my recent thruster sales proceeds for some desperately needed tools and upgrades. Since having started my very first vacuum endeavors about 3 years ago, I finally own my own full tool set, a nice Hakko soldering iron, and a Fluke multimeter! I also decided to upgrade to a better webcam for the upcoming Hall thruster testing, as there will be a lot of livestreams to come now!
In addition to some better tools I also upgraded to dedicated plugs for my 9-pin high vacuum feedthrough I use for thruster power/control (before/after). First time in two years of thruster R&D that I’m not ramming wire into BNC pins and taping wires to the flange to secure them!
Finally, for this upcoming ignition test I added three more 0-32V, 1-10A adjustable benchtop supplies so I can have full manual control of the discharge, neutralizer, and heater to run and characterize the Hall thruster. Wires with the new plugs for the feedthrough ready to go!